Brian Brodersen is pastor emeritus of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. He also serves as president of the Calvary Global Network, chancellor of Calvary Chapel Bible College, and co-founder and director of Creation Fest UK. Brian is the featured speaker on the Back to Basics radio program and a regular contributor on the live call-in program Pastors’ Perspective. Brian holds an M.A. in Ministry and Leadership from Wheaton College.

Jeff Gipe was the lead pastor of New Creation Huntington Beach previously Newport Coast Lighthouse for 15 years. For five years following his graduation from the SOM in 1994, he taught two home Bible studies, served as a high school counselor, and was the surf coach for Calvary Chapel High School. In 2003 Jeff was asked to serve over the college and career ministry at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. During those two years, the Lord began to prepare him to plant a church in Newport Beach.

Nick Cady is the lead pastor of White Fields Community Church in Longmont, Colorado. Prior to moving to Colorado, Nick spent 10 years in Hungary as a missionary, pastor and church planter with Calvary Chapel. He holds a Master's degree in Integrative Theology from London School of Theology, and a Bachelor's in Theology from the University of Gloucestershire (UK). Nick has a heart for the mission of God through the Church, and prior to leading the Cultivate team, was involved in equipping and training church planters in the US and Europe.

Manolo Matos has served as pastor of Calvary Lima, located in the city of Lima, Perú since 2012. He met Jesus at a summer camp at the age of 17. From that moment on, his greatest passion would be to know God and make him known. He graduated from Calvary Chapel Bible College in 2010, where he would meet his future wife Holly. Manolo was ordained for pastoral ministry in 2012 and since then his focus and vision has been to see people find life and freedom in Jesus.

Mike Neglia is the lead pastor at Calvary Cork located in Cork, Ireland. After graduating from Bible College in Siegen, Germany in the summer of 2002, he served at Calvary Cork as a full-time missionary youth outreach coordinator/assistant for two years before taking over as lead pastor. Mike also channels his passion for Christ-centered expository preaching by serving on the steering committee of Expositors Collective and hosting their weekly podcast.

Tommy Cota is the lead pastor of Hope Alive Church. In Tommy’s young teenage years, the life he was living led him into darkness and ultimately 5 1/2 years of prison time in the California state prison system. It was during this time that his wife, Diana, began praying for him, and soon after his release in January of 2000 he surrendered his life to Jesus Christ. Tommy was so excited to live his life for the Lord that he enrolled in Calvary Chapel’s School of Ministry, and after graduating in 2004 he was brought on staff as an assistant pastor at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.

Richard Cimino is the founding pastor of Metro Calvary. After 8 years as the high school pastor at Costa Mesa and 13 years as lead and teaching pastor of CC Grass Valley (Crossroads Community Church), Richard sensed a tremendous burden to start a Bible study in the city of Roseville, California, as an outreach of CC Grass Valley (now called Metro Calvary). Richard has a deep love for God’s work in the UK and Brazil and is engaged in regular outreach and discipleship in both places.

Native of Mallorca, Spain, pastor Rafael became a Christian in the USA and attended Calvary Chapel Bible College in Austria. He then served with pastor Brian Brodersen in a church plant in London, where he met his wife Loretta. They sensed the Lord leading them to move to Mallorca in 2001 and took over the pastorate of SPCC in 2002. They opened a Calvary Chapel-affiliated Bible College in 2005, and they trained many students and interns in love for the Word and service in local churches as well as the mission field for ten years. They continue to serve the church mainly through Bible teaching and are now working on a long-standing vision to open a Christian school on the island.

For the past twenty years Brian has been involved in church planting and mission work in East Africa, New Zealand, and the United States. Brian has a passion for planting churches and has hands-on experience seeing churches grow from the ground up. Brian has been involved in five church plants, and has been a sending pastor for dozens more. He is a graduate of Calvary Chapel Bible College, and the founder of the CCBC campus in East Africa. Currently, Brian is planting a new church in Florida, where he lives with his beautiful wife Lynne and their three children.

Ted is the pastor of Reliance church in Temecula CA. He planted Reliance Church in 2007 and serves as the main teaching Pastor. Prior to starting Reliance Church, Pastor Ted was the founder & Executive Pastor of Revival Christian Fellowship in Menifee, where he served for 15 years. Ted is a graduate of the Calvary Chapel School of Ministry and has a heart for church planting, helping to plant many churches, both nationally & internationally. He is a trusted leader and serves on the Boards of several churches in two states. Ted and his wife Brenda were married in 1985 and together, they have three adult children and ten grandchildren.

Wayne Taylor is the founding pastor and has been the lead Pastor of Calvary Fellowship Seattle for 41 years. During this time, God used their church to help plant over 50 churches, about half locally, and half globally. Recently, Wayne has transitioned to be an itinerate Bible teacher, a support minister to the church, and Director of Calvary Chapel Bible College Seattle.

Bruce Zachary was raised in a Jewish home and has been a follower of Jesus for more than 30 years. Bruce was an attorney for 25 years and has been an ordained pastor since 1995. In 1996, he planted Calvary Nexus, a Calvary Chapel church in Camarillo, California, where he continues serving as teaching and leader development pastor. Bruce has authored 18 books and directed a global church planting initiative in the Calvary Chapel movement. In addition, Bruce serves in a leadership role within the Calvary Global Network as a member of the CGN Executive Team and as leader of the Connect Team.

Justin Thomas serves as president of Calvary Chapel Bible College (CCBC) in Twin Peaks, California, where he is an alumnus himself. In addition to holding an M.A. in Biblical and Theological Studies from Western Seminary, Justin is continuing his studies at Western as a doctoral student (Ph.D.) in Intercultural Education. He is a frequent and oft-read writer on CalvaryChapel.com.