Dear CGN,
Calvary Chapel Jinja would like to express our deepest gratitude for your generous contribution towards COVID-19 relief to Calvary Chapel Jinja and the church members. Your donation was very helpful and timely to the church members and the community. It helped the continuity of our commitment to serving the community and church members. This would have not been accomplished without your act of generosity in support through the church.
As it’s said, “God is never too late to respond,” this relief came at a time when it was most needed.
Below is a highlight of how the donation was utilized:
- Our first response was to “Friends of Hope,” an orphanage in Mafubira, Jinja District, Uganda where 37 of 70 orphans are being housed. We provided them with 100kg of corn flour, 2 packets of iodinated salt, 4 liters of cooking oil, and 6kg of beans. Mr. Ndikusoka Micheal, the caretaker of this orphanage, informed us that they didn’t know where food would come from on that day. So, God basically used us to answer their prayers.
- We reached over 100 church members and families in the community who were in need of food relief. We spent one week distributing this food to the identified families. We distributed 800kg of corn flour, 200kg of rice, 200kg of beans, 108 liters of cooking oil, and 40kg of iodinated salt. This donation made an impact on feeding over 400 people.
- We are also glad to inform you that God has finally answered our prayers: Churches are once again open in Uganda, and we officially resumed our Church Programs on October 4, 2020. We used part of the donation on renovating the church building, security, facilitation of volunteers, utilities, and rent. A detailed expenditure as well as photos for this donation are attached to this report.
Thank you again for your generous support. Looking forward to working with you in the near future. Your contribution has enabled our message of the gospel that we don’t only just preach but also act, which wouldn’t have been easy without your donation. The community has experienced the love of Christ through this program.
May this letter serve as a receipt document of your donation for which you did not receive anything in return.
In His hands,
Pastor Moro Steven Collins
Calvary Chapel Jinja