Brian Brodersen
Founder & President

As many of you know, I’ve been actively engaged in church planting and pastoral care for many years. Although full of challenges, this kind of ministry has many wonderful rewards. The obvious ones are seeing the kingdom of Christ advance through the planting of churches, and the fellowship, encouragement, and blessings that come from relationships with brothers from all over the world. I’m thankful the Lord has allowed me such privileges.
Over the years, one of my deep convictions has been that the Great Commission is a call to establish churches where men and women, boys and girls, can be discipled in their faith in Christ. I’ve publicly stated on many occasions that I believe we should strive to see a Christ-loving, God-worshiping, Gospel-preaching, Bible-teaching, Holy Spirit-empowered church in every community in every nation around the world. I still believe that and plan to continue to pursue that goal in the days ahead.
Our CGN team has set a specific goal of planting 1000 churches all across the globe over the next ten years. It’s a tall order, I know, but one that is worth pursuing. I pray that in the months and years to come, the Lord would bring together like-minded men and women to carry out this grand vision. I believe God will use CGN in the furtherance of His kingdom, and we invite you to join us in this venture of faith for the glory of God and the good of the world he loves.
Brian Brodersen
President, Calvary Global Network

Clay Worrell
Executive Director
This has been a year of significant progress for CGN. Early this year, Kellen Criswell, who has served as Executive Director of CGN for six years, transitioned to the new Global Strategist role, and I had the honor, after serving CGN in several capacities since the start, of being appointed as the new Executive Director.
There have been so many other amazing developments this year, like our completion of organizational autonomy, the soft launch of the Cultivate Church Planting Initiative, and the Expositors Collective officially becoming a core initiative of CGN. Not to mention the incredible progress all of our initiatives made this year, such as When She Leads and Leadership Care and Coaching. As you partner with CGN in prayer and financially, you are supporting all of these fruitful ministries!
Additionally, we officially launched our newly updated website, which has increased web traffic and podcast downloads several times over! And in partnership with Cross Culture Missions, we put on a Ukrainian Relief Worker’s Conference for the dozens of families from around Europe who have been pouring their lives out to serve Ukrainian refugees, which was only possible through the contributions received from the CGN Relief Fund. Thank you for opening your hearts and hands in 2022. We have been amazed by the work our generous God has done.
A. Clay Worrell
Executive Director
Partner with us in proclaiming the Gospel through Giving! Your gift of any amount can help! Click “GIVE” to select from a variety of one-time or recurring giving options. Or you can TEXT your donation amount to 84321.

the Gospel
- Over 1.3M Combined Website Views
- 31K Facebook Followers, 20K Instagram Followers, and 14K Followers on Twitter
- 556K People Reached, 23K likes, and 2,984 shares on Facebook
- 197,400 plays of the Expositors Collective podcast
- 38,510 plays of the Missions and Methods podcast
- 35,117 plays of the When She Leads podcast
- 91,645 plays of the GoodLion podcast.
- 20, 599 plays of the Leadership Collective podcast.
- 59 Podcasts and 53 Podcasters across our podcast network.
- 2023 Calvary Chapel/CGN International Conference
- Ukrainian Relief Worker’s Conference in Austria
- CGN Northwest, Southwest & Canada Connect Conferences
- 8 Expositors Collective in-person events with about 70 church leaders at each event.
- 11 Worldwide Prayer Meetings
- 93 New & In-Process CGN Churches
- Established the Cultivate Church Planting & Training initiative.
- International Church Network Outreaches – India, Canada, Africa, and Europe
- Our goal is to expand the network of partnering churches.

Imagine what could be accomplished if all CGN churches were working together in informing, training, connecting, and church planting. That is our goal for 2023 and beyond.

CGN Relief Fund
Through your prayer, support, and donations, the Ukrainian Relief Workers Conference took place in Austria at the Schloss Heroldeck Castle in July 2022. This conference was birthed by Rod Thompson, Cross Culture Missions, and key CGN leaders recognizing the trauma of the war in Ukraine on many of the ministry leaders. These ministry leaders needed crisis counseling on a deeper level to minister to them and to provide them with rest and restoration before heading back into the mission field.
CGN Connect Conferences
CGN’s Connect Conferences serve to bring pastors, church planters, local connectors, and other ministry leaders together. Our regional conferences help connect, equip and refresh these leaders as they continue on our mission to proclaim the Gospel, make disciples and plant churches.

Through our ongoing partnership with Western, over 100 CGN leaders have received partnership grants, totaling as much as $772,689, since the partnership launched in Spring 2019. All students are currently receiving at least 50%, while some receive up to an additional 10% based on their financial needs.

Our Worldwide Prayer Lead, Wayne Taylor, faithfully continued hosting Worldwide Prayer through 2022. This is an hour of prayer for and with many areas of the world on the first Tuesday of each month at 9:30 am Pacific Time. We hope you will be able to join us! We will continue this time of prayer each month in 2023.
We hope you will be able to join us! You can join our mailing list to be notified each month by clicking here.
Partner with us in proclaiming the Gospel through Giving!
Click “GIVE” to select from a variety of one-time or recurring giving options.

Conference Testimonials
“The CGN International Conference was a wonderful time enjoying the warmth and fellowship of pastors and leaders gathering from all over the world. The highlight, the best part of the conference, was the main sessions, receiving as much wisdom and encouragement from the speakers, so much is learned from each one of them! I’m always looking forward to the next! I’m looking forward to being there again in 2023.” ~Zeddie Muzungu, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Kampala, in Uganda, East Africa
“It was such a fantastic time! My wife and I were able to attend and serve at the conference and it was such a blessing; so many sessions impacted my wife and I. Cultivate is an absolutely wonderful program. I’m looking forward to what the Lord has to come!” ~Cody Nunes, Church Planter in Northeast Scotland

Cultivate’s Mission is to Plant Churches
Our mission is to help you plant gospel-centered churches as part of the expanding Calvary Global Network (CGN) family. We empower and support local churches to assess, train, and support new church planters and gospel-centered communities. We believe that the local church is the garden in which the church planters of tomorrow are cultivated.
Cultivate Has a Comprehensive Training and Support Program
The duration is 6-24 months depending on your prior experience and training. We help cultivate the character, skills, and knowledge necessary to fulfill your calling to lead, teach, and serve through personal mentoring and online resources, including those from our collaboration with Western Seminary’s Center for Leadership Development. You’ll learn who should plant, why we need healthy gospel-centered communities, and how to plant. You’ll be taught the practical lessons you’ll need to be an effective church planter. You’ll learn core values that have been part of Calvary Chapel’s DNA, with direct interaction with seasoned practitioners and leaders, including Brian Brodersen, Rod Thompson, Wayne Talor, and others.
The support we receive enables CGN/ to continue proclaiming the Gospel, making disciples, and planting churches. With our continued efforts to become self-sustainable, the CGN/ team has been diligently working on ways of developing income streams that will include more Calvary Chapel churches subsidizing the ministry of CGN. Looking back through the years, we see God’s faithfulness. So much of what we have prayed and planned for, God has brought to fruition through your partnership. Your donations are the lifeline for this ministry!

CARE AND COACHING: Reaching the Least Reached Areas of the World
One of our CGN ministry partners has been working with two pastors in India for the past eight years. You can watch the “India Update” video here to find out how you can partner with us in India. CGN has come alongside this ministry partner to help equip church leaders, plant churches, and offer care and coaching to 20 churches in the most unreached people group in the world.
Through your giving, CGN was able to donate money to our ministry partner in India so that they could purchase ten motorbikes. These motorbikes help them get from village to village to preach the Gospel to many of the unreached villages in India.
CGN Coaching extends the concept of training into a deeper and longer-lasting relationship formation. We offer to coach pastors and leaders in all ministry roles. Find out more about Care and Coaching.
Leadership Care & Coaching Podcast
We have expanded an online tool kit filled with helpful information for church planters and ministry leaders, and we see this as not only an ongoing resource to our network partners, but also an “on-growing” one, as we continue to add more resource content. Additionally, we will begin recording monthly Leadership Care & Coaching Podcasts.

When She Leads Conference
This year’s When She Leads conference is for every woman serving in ministry. Our theme this year is, Breaking New Ground, taken from Hosea 10:12 – “Sow for yourselves with a view to righteousness, harvest in accordance with kindness, break up your uncultivated ground for it is time to seek the Lord until he comes and rains righteousness on you.” (NASB)
As we gather, our focus is threefold: First, we are asking God to break new ground in equipping us for this cultural moment. Second, we are asking God to break new ground in discovering new territories, new fields, and new ministries.
And third, we are asking God to break new ground in our communities, where we want to meet new people and establish new friendships so that we can partner together for the furtherance of the gospel.
When She Leads Podcast
In 2021, we launched a new initiative and resource aimed at supporting Women in Ministry Leadership through the efforts of a developing team spearheaded by long-time ministry leader and author Brenda Leavenworth. When She Leads is a podcast for women in ministry hosted by Brenda Leavenworth. With over 30 years of ministry experience and a degree in biblical studies, Brenda is uniquely qualified to train and guide the next generation of women leaders in the church. Co-hosts include Jenn Benham, Rosemary Cady, Krista Fox, and Kelly Bell, each bringing their collective experiences, research, victories, and failures to consider and discuss a range of topics from a biblical and practical perspective. This team has developed a strategy to invest toward women in ministry leadership. They are passionate about pouring into women.

The Expositors Collective, a growing network of pastors, leaders, and laypeople is now formally CGN. Expositors Collective exists to equip, encourage, and mentor the next generation of Christ-centered preachers. We provide resources through our weekly podcast, two-day intentional training seminars, and interactive webinars.
Our next in-person Training Weekend for men and women of all ages will be announced soon! In this interactive seminar, attendees will meet in groups and build ongoing relationships.
Partner with us in proclaiming the Gospel through Giving! Click “GIVE” to select from a variety of one-time or recurring giving options.

At our bi-annual CGN Vision Team Meeting, we were blessed to be hosted by Calvary Monterey. This meeting is a time when 30-40 leaders from the CGN family gather together to plan, pray, and dialogue about all things life and ministry. It was through these gatherings that CGN was formed into what it is today, and God continues to give vision and direction each time we meet. The highlight of these gatherings is our time of worship and waiting on the Spirit; we certainly serve a living God!

Our CGN Podcast Network
In 2022, CGN continued to work on growing the GoodLion Podcast Network as a platform for pastors, creatives, and ministry leaders. Check out the GoodLion website to see our wide selection of shows and content.
Show highlights:
CGN Mission and Methods Podcast
This year we saw the CGN Mission & Methods podcast under new leadership. Pastor Nick Cady stepped up to the challenge of hosting and planning the show. This season’s approach was to answer people’s big questions about CGN, define our identity and vision, clear up misconceptions, and bring clarity to the movement. Former host Kellen Criswell joined Nick and pastor Brian Brodersen for many great conversations. If you haven’t heard this season of mission and methods, be sure to give it a listen!
The Expositors Collective
The Expositors Collective podcast continued to be an exemplary show for CGN, with broad reach both within and outside of our Network. Hosts Mike Neglia and Nick Cady did a fantastic job finding guests that had incredible wisdom to share with our pastors and leaders, and paving the way for the next generation of preachers to recapture the power and purpose of expository preaching.
The GoodLion Podcast
2022 was a good year for the GoodLion podcast. Hosts Aaron Salvato and Brian Higgins started with a theology class about the Kingdom of God, recorded with young students from across CGN. Along with many other great interviews and standalone episodes. The team at GoodLion created a new website dedicated to sharing content and resources to help young Christians navigate the stormy waters of postmodern / post-Christian culture. They also led workshops at local churches on topics like resisting apathy, Godly relationships, doubt/deconstruction, and evangelism.
New show: Temporary Tenants
Host Cody Nunes is planting a church in Scotland, and he’s out to learn everything he can from CGN Church planters. This podcast will cover the topics of Church Planting, Missions, and Ministry. Cody speaks with men and women who have experience in these topics, in the hopes that he (and you) might learn something from their stories.

Introducing The New and Improved
After over 3 years of hard work, the CGN team is excited to announce our biggest website update ever: a redesign of built from the ground up! At the heart of this website is the blog section, a place where leaders around our network can share content to equip, edify, and encourage. The layout has been completely redesigned, and now it’s easy to find out what the latest content is! You can also use the menu to explore content based on themes, such as “Gospel, Culture, Theology, Ministry/Leadership training” and more!
Building a better blog.
At the heart of this website is the blog section, a place where leaders around our network can share content to equip, edify, and encourage. The layout has been completely redesigned, and now it’s easy to find out what the latest content is! You can also use the menu to explore content based on themes, such as “Gospel, Culture, Theology, Ministry/Leadership training” and more!

We are excited to announce that as of August 1, CGN became a completely autonomous organization! CGN is a registered 501c3 led by a board of directors and an executive team comprised of a diverse group of pastors and leaders from around the globe, with Brian Brodersen as president.

Developing Strategies
Prayer & Strategic Vision
The strategic vision of Calvary Global Network is to partner with the local church to assess, train, commission, and fund healthy missional leaders to cultivate new communities of Jesus among all peoples, with an emphasis on the least reached. The biblical and theological foundations of our vision are rooted in obedience to Jesus and imitation of the apostles. Our vision is a “prayer,” vision because of the command of Jesus: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field” (Lk. 10:2). Our vision is a “strategic” vision because both Jesus and His apostles practiced intentional leadership development and mobilization as the driving force behind the furtherance of the kingdom of God in the world through the propagation of the gospel (Matt. 4:19; 2 Tim. 2:2).
Strategies in Motion:
To carry out our strategic vision, we are launching programs and strategic partnerships focused on the three areas of Great Commission work:
- Proclaim the Gospel: With Expositors Collective officially becoming an initiative of CGN in 2022, we are excited to see this ministry continue to develop and grow in 2023. We have our sights set on developing a digital resource package that will allow local churches to lead their teams and potential leaders through the Expositors Collective training experience themselves.
- Make Disciples: The Leadership Care and Coaching team have vision to create a series of in-person retreats that are designed to care for the spiritual, emotional, and mental health of leaders and intensives that will provide customized training and encouragement for pastors and leaders within their area of specialty and focus.Additionally, we hope to develop digital resources that will help local churches to disciple and equip disciple-makers in the local church.
- Plant Churches: CGN’s Cultivate Church Planting initiative will officially launch in January 2023! The Cultivate mission is to help you plant gospel-centered churches as part of the expanding Calvary Global Network (CGN) family. We empower and support local churches to assess, train, and support new church planters and gospel-centered communities.
2023 Conferences in the Making
- Calvary Chapel/CGN International Conference
- June 25-28, 2023
- CGN Local “Connect” Gatherings Around the World
- Virtual Prayer Gatherings

Thank You!
Thank you for taking the time to read our annual report, and for all the ways that you have partnered with us in the gospel this year. We are thankful for your partnership!
Contributions to Calvary Global Network are tax-deductible. If you would like to partner with us by giving a one-time gift this season, or set up a recurring financial gift of any amount, please click the “Give” button below.