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Together we can do much more than we can separately!

Thank you for your support, prayers, and encouragement in 2020. It has been an interesting year, however, we have been amazed by the work the Lord has done. We ended 2019 with a bang, with our first CGN vision and planning meeting. One of the main themes from that meeting was “Together we can do much more than we can separately.”

Scripture uses imagery to describe the spirit of togetherness characterized by the early church. There is such a profound sense of togetherness in the book of Acts; the Christians pooled their possessions and distributed them to brothers and sisters in need (Acts 2:44-45; 4:32-35) and the church grew exponentially. We have provided the financial and annual report below for you to see what God has done in this unprecedented year and for you to pray about partnering with us financially. Imagine what could be accomplished if hundreds of churches were working together, informing, training, connecting, and church planting. That is our goal for 2021.

May the Lord bless the new year in 2021 with His grace and guidance for us all.

Brian Brodersen and The Calvary Global Network Team

Partner with us by giving! You can choose from a variety of giving options!

Financial Report

With your help, we can reach our goal of becoming a financially independent organization focused on advancing the gospel to the world.

In our efforts to becoming self-sustainable, the CGN/ team is diligently working on ways of developing income streams that will help free Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa from subsidizing the ministry of CGN. 

In the offset of staff support and payroll, CCCM has partnered with us for many years, providing financial support. 

Consider partnering with us, enabling CGN/ to continue the work of proclaiming the Gospel, making disciples, and planting churches. Our aim is to raise $322,000.00 in 2021.

The reality is, if just 250 churches cheerfully gave $100 per month for one year General Donations would be $300,000. We have learned through the CGN Covid-19 Relief fund that our most precious assets are those who share in the vision of CGN in proclaiming the Gospel, making disciples, and planting churches.

Partner with us in proclaiming the Gospel through Giving!
Your gift of $10, $15, $50, $100, $250, or other amount can help!
Click “GIVE” to select from a variety of one-time or recurring giving options.

What We Do

We relationally and strategically partner to
proclaim the Gospel, make disciples, and plant churches.

Covid-19 Relief Fund

Our Mission is to raise support for churches who have suffered a financial famine caused by COVID-19.

Jimmy Shauerte of Roots NYC shares a praise report of churches in Calvary Global Network who came together and sent funds to Roots NYC, as the church continues through this season of healing! Roots NYC has received a $5,000 donation from the CGN Relief Fund! Through this covid-19 pandemic, Roots NYC (and NYC overall) has been greatly impacted by the virus. Jimmy shares the church’s experience through this season. To stay up to date with Roots NYC, or to donate directly to them, visit

When the world shut down, the Lord opened a door for us to minister to churches suffering from a financial famine caused by the virus. Modeling ourselves after the apostle Paul, who raised funds from the Macedonian churches in the midst of “a great trial of affliction and extreme poverty,” who by the grace of God gave willingly, joyfully, and beyond their ability (2 Corinthians 8-9). We reached out to the CGN family who responded graciously and resoundingly. Together we raised $57,250 and were able to give $52,175 to churches in Africa, New Zealand, the Philippines, Peru, Nicaragua, Uganda, Kosovo, Myanmar (Burma), Mexico, Columbia and the US.

We are so grateful to have witnessed the work of the Holy Spirit in the CGN family combat the work of the enemy, who tried to use this virus as evil against us. “But God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive” (Genesis 50:20). You can read numerous testimonies from churches of how the Lord used these funds, adding to the Kingdom and glorifying God on our Covid Relief Page.

We have given $52,175 to over 17 churches in 7 months!

Partnership and Outreach

We established a fruitful and expanding training partnership with Western Seminary.

Through this partnership, over a hundred CGN leaders have received as much as a 55% tuition discount to date. All students are currently receiving at least 50%, while some receive up to an additional 10% based on financial need.


CGN Leaders Studying at Western in 2020

This year, we have hosted a one-hour FB Live prayer time every day during the  pandemic. We have ministry leaders who have continued to host a prayer time each day. We know that God is on the throne and will help us through this time.

 Please join us on our Facebook page, as we come together in prayer. 

Calvary Chapel/CGN International Conference

Back in November 2019, before COVID happened, and before we knew that the church would be essential, God gave us the theme of “Essential Church” for our conference. This was proven to be a timely encouragement for us to trust in the identity, power, and mission of the church to advance the Gospel to all the world.

We had such an amazing time at our first ever all-online conference. It is the aim of Calvary Global Network to strike the balance of celebrating both the history of grace, and a future of grace, by the power of Christ. The Calvary Chapel/CGN International Conference is one expression of our greater vision to express the love of Christ, train church leaders, and celebrate the diversity and unity we enjoy in the Church (1 Corinthians 12:12-31).

This is why the CGN/ team has many exciting events planned for 2021. In conjunction with the 2021 International Conference, we have plans for events that deal with important topics such as Leadership Coaching, Church Planting, Gospel & Race, Sexuality and many more. All of which will produce an income stream from a variety of sponsors and advertisers.




Hours of Training


International Speakers

CGN Leader Series

Our CGN Executive Team has recorded videos to breakdown our vision and mission statements. 

Noteworthy Resources

GoodLion Podcast Network

In 2020 CGN expanded it’s new podcast network “GoodLion” in our continued efforts to bring Christ-centered content to the body of Christ.

We’ve created a platform for pastors, creatives, and ministry leaders to produce and promote podcast content within the CGN.

Notable Initiatives

  1. We created a summer internship program to train students from the School of Worship on how to make a podcast-ministry. You can check out the show they produced here.
  2. We welcomed 13 new shows to the network, and we are currently vetting requests from several others who want to join with what we are doing!
  3. We produced a “PodClass”, an interactive course-discussion with students around theological topics.
  4. We set up a section of the website with content geared specifically to help people think/pray through the most challenging aspects of 2020, including COVID and racial tensions.






Content Creators

Our Websites

Key Web Resources


A wealth of pastoral articles by CGN leaders over at

Church Finder

Whether visiting a church service safely or watching a church service online, discover Christ-centered churches in your local area!

Online Connection Hub

Helping CGN members find and post job openings and connect with Church Plant opportunities.

Developing Strategies In Motion

Strategy 1

CGN to Become Independent Organization

CGN will becoming an independent 501c3 non-profit organization, as well as becoming financially independent in 2021.

We are very excited to announce we have begun the process of establishing CGN as an accepted legal operating entity at the state of California and Federal levels.

CGN was birthed from the heart and ministry of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa (CCCM). CCCM has immensely blessed CGN by subsidizing the cost of this new ministry for nearly four years. Like a mother weaning her child, CCCM has begun the “weaning” process of CGN from its subsidies to become a fully self-sustainable 501c3.

Strategy 2

Church Planting & Missionary Training Strategy

This team has been successful in making progress toward our goal of creating a nine-month program to assess, train, and deploy new church planters and missionaries. As part of this process, we have consulted with other organizations, including seminaries, Christian leadership development centers, and church planting organizations, to see what we can learn from them about how to best approach this process. We are now at the point where we are ready to submit a proposal to the CGN Executive Team and plan to have a full roll-out of the program by June 2021.

This program will use the local church as the “lab” and “sending” organization. You might think of this as a church planting internship program and intensive learning experience, which is catered to assess and meet the unique needs of each individual participant. We will take into consideration their experience, knowledge, and needs for training based on where they are at and where God is calling them to serve.

Creating a new program like this could be seen as competing with or undermining our existing Bible college system, which is not what we want to do. We have been in conversation with CCBC about how this training program will meet specific needs and how we would like to work alongside them for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom.

We are excited to see how this program will come together and how the Lord will use it in the years to come.

Strategy 3

Leadership Care & Coaching Strategy

We are currently working to expand an online tool kit filled with helpful information for church planters and ministry leaders, and we see this as not only an ongoing resource to our network partners, but also an “on-growing” one as we continue to add more resource content. Additionally, we will begin recording monthly Leadership Care & Coaching Podcasts beginning in December 2020. These podcasts will be round-table discussions with a diverse group of pastors and leaders on a variety of practical topics that church leaders wrestle with every day. Several respected CGN leaders and pastors (both nationally and internationally) have committed to this project, and we are excited to have this resource available to the network beginning in January 2021.

Strategy 4

Training & Encouraging Women in Ministry Leadership

In 2021 we are also excited to launch new initiatives and resources aimed to support Women in Ministry Leadership, through the efforts of a developing team spearheaded by  long-time ministry leader and author, Brenda Leavenworth.

The team developing strategy to invest in women in ministry leadership are passionate about pouring into women. In developing resources and relationships, they maintain focus on the core aspects of CGN Vision: Proclaiming the Gospel, Making Disciples, and Planting Churches. 

Three key values the team is working with in ministering to women in ministry are:

1. Her personal relationship with Christ.

2. Her personal relationships with others.

3. Her life in ministry, as a leader. The aim is to bring encouragement and training via content that reinforces women as spiritually healthy followers of Christ, enhances them in their diverse relational roles (such as marriage, parenting, friendships, congregants, etc.), and improves their ability to lead other women.

Strategy 5

Expanding the Local Connectors Strategy

In the coming year, we hope to increase the number and coverage of our Local Connectors. It is our goal that every CGN church will know and be known by others in their context, and that this will lead to gospel-driven partnerships all over the world. We are also establishing a core support team. This team will train, counsel, and encourage our Local Connectors and be available to help in any way possible. We also hope to provide initial and ongoing training at our annual conference, as well as establishing a way to regularly share the amazing things that God is doing in different regions across the world. 

We are excited to see the bonds between churches strengthened, and anticipate abundant fruit as we pursue the Lord together and serve him side-by-side.

Strategy 6

Brand New and Useful Website Communications Strategy

Currently, our team is working on each paragraph, page, and picture on the new, and we are excited about how the new site will be both informative as well as interactive! 

As CGN continues to expand by God’s grace, the Communications Task Team will be working hard in 2021 to capture and convey the work of God’s Spirit to the ends of the earth. We look forward to some new initiatives to roll out in the new year!

Strategy 7

Network Membership Streamline Strategy

Our heart is to create a network membership process that is primarily relational, while still being thorough and well documented. With that in mind, we have proposed a process to the Executive Leadership Team in which the pastor of a prospective CGN/CC church will enter into a series of meetings with the CGN Local Connectors in their area, with the purpose of building genuine relationship, while exploring the theological and philosophical positions of the pastor and the church. The Local Connectors would then make a unified decision on whether the prospective church is a good fit. 

Our desire is that even after acceptance into CGN membership, those Local Connectors would continue as a network of vital resources and relationships for new church plants and existing churches within the Calvary Global Network. This will make the process of joining our network life-giving rather than burdensome, producing genuine connections between local CGN churches that leads to encouragement, accountability, and shared kingdom fruit for many years to come. 

We are excited about the direction we are headed, and we look forward to seeing how the Lord will grow our family of churches in these coming seasons.

Strategy 8

CGN Funding Strategy

Imagine what could be accomplished if hundreds of churches were to give willingly, joyfully, and beyond their ability to CGN to continue our work in informing, training, connecting, and church planting!

The Funding Task Team is committed to finding ways and means to make this happen.  First, we are moving forward in making CGN its own legal operating entity of the State of California and the Federal levels. Secondly, we are encouraging our CGN partners to give financially to help CGN become self-sustainable apart from CCCM. Thirdly, we are in the midst of developing creative ways to generate funds. Above all, we pray God’s will be done as we seek and serve Him.

Partner with us in proclaiming the Gospel through Giving!
Your gift of $10, $15, $50, $100, $250, or other amount can help!
Click “GIVE” to select from a variety of one-time or recurring giving options.

Who We Are

A Network of Calvary Chapels and other like-minded churches
who are committed to the Great Commission.

CGN Executive Team

CGN Task Team Leaders

Nick Cady
Leadership Training Task Team Leader
Jeff Gipe
Funding Task Team Leader
Ted Leavenworth
Leadership Care & Coaching Task Team Leader
Brenda Leavenworth
Leadership Care & Coaching for Women in Ministry Leadership
Wayne Taylor
Local Connectors Task Team Leader
Joel Turner
Local Connectors Task Team Leader
Clay Worrell
Network Membership Task Team Leader

CGN Collaborative Vision Team

This year we introduced our CGN Collaborative Leadership Vision team. This group of ministry practitioners are working on six initiatives designed to serve network churches by providing training resources, meaningful opportunities for relationship development in local areas around the world.

Global Local Connectors Team

A Local Connector is a support leader who serves CGN leaders in their local area by keeping in touch with them, establishing rhythms to meet and pray together, supporting local leaders’ vision for outreach, and cultivating ministry partnerships to proclaim the gospel, make disciples, and plant churches.

Learn More

CGN Operations and Resource Development Team

Kellen Criswell
CGN Executive Director
Michelle Wright
Executive Administrator
Director of Operations
George Scanlan
Content Manager for
Britt Taylor
Social Media Manager
Aaron Salvato
Web Strategist + Director of GoodLion Podcast Network
Cinthya Rios
Manager / Translator
Denisa Stanciu
Manager / Translator

Thank You!

Thank you for taking the time to read our financial report, and for all the ways that you have partnered with us in the gospel this year!

If you would like to partner with us by giving a tax-deductible one-time gift this season, or set up a recurring financial gift of any amount, please click the “Give” button.